Screening of the film „River Sisters” and meeting with Cecylia Malik.

Other rivers such as the Dunajec, Soła, Pilica, and Raba are coming to the rescue of the Wisla River from the planned new large dam in Siarzewo. Cecylia Malik calls on women to give voice to the rivers and join the fight that is taking place between ecologists associated in the Save the Rivers Coalition and politicians, officials and the hydrotechnical lobby.

The fight for values for wildlife, for landscape, for clean fresh water, which is becoming the most precious resource of the planet.

Now the decisive battle for the Wisla River is on! Decisions and tenders for the construction of a new dam in Siarzewo are being made! Let us not agree to baffle and devastate the Wisla!

Let us save one of the last, in large part natural, great rivers of Europe.

Written and directed by: Cecylia Malik

Editing, script collaboration: Rafał Małecki

Sound: Krzysztof Ridan

Color correction: Michał Żołnowski.

Cinematography: Piotr Dziurdzia, Cecylia Malik, Magdalena Mosiewicz, Joanna Urbaniec, Tomasz Gotfryd, Stanisław Barański, Bartolomeo Koczenasz.

Music: Sutari band from the album River Sisters and Michal Zygmunt  

Dance: Ula Dziurdzia

Production: Cecylia Malik

Featuring: activists from the River Sisters Collective and some of nature's most distinguished conservationists:

Jacek Engel from the Greenmind Foundation, Karol Ciężak from the Society for the Earth, Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart from the Save the Rivers Coalition and the Green Party, Karolina Kuszlewicz animal advocate. Justyna Budzyn leader of the Lubuskie Rivers Sisters.

River Sisters: Daria Gosek Popiołek MP, Małgorzata Górska foundation OTOP and Fundacja Dla Biebrzy, Agata Tkaczyk climate activist, Joanna Ruszczyk journalist and activist of the Guardians of Rivers, Monika Konieczna activist of the Rescue Action for Krakow. Agata Kreska feminist and activist, Iza Engel Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Słońsk "Unitis Virbus" Rzeczpospolita Ptasia. Małgorzata Mroczka Village leader of Myscowa village

River Sisters Collective activists and artists: Agata Bargiel, Małgo Grygierczyk, Zofia Szyrajew, Anna Kobyłka, Agata Mazur, Grażyna Smalej, Rozalia Malik, Anna Malik, Anna Chmiel, Katarzyna Grochowicz, Angela Gaber, Grażyna Makara, Magdalena Grzesiak, Kamila Wajda, Justyna Górowska, Anielka Zalewska, Zosia Dziuba


Sisters of the River collective, Greenmind Foundation, Save the Rivers Coalition, WWF Poland Riverkeepers, Association CSW Wiewiórka and Moviematic  

The film was produced as part of the Creative Scholarship of the City of Krakow

Note about the author:

Cecylia Malik painter, visual artist and environmental activist. The author of many artistic projects, the most important of which include "365 Trees". "6 Rivers" "Białka's braids". Co-founder of the "Modraszek Kolektyw" - an action in defense of Krakow Zakrzówek from development and a cyclical event on the Vistula "Water Critical Mass". Co-founder of the association CSW Wiewiórka. In 2017 she initiated the action "Polish mothers on logging" - against LEX Szyszko. She belongs to the Save the Rivers Coalition. She is the author and leader of the nationwide social campaign "River Sisters". Author of the documentary film "Paradise on Earth" about the love of a homeless couple. Winner of many awards including the Man of Polish Ecology for 2017 and the  Katarzyna Kobro Award for 2018.  

Cecylia Malik combines art and activism taking care of the sense and effectiveness of her own actions, together with experts from various fields, she organizes protests created as happenings and works of art in public space.

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